Introducing the LWF Frenzy!! We are pleased to announce the launch of LWF Girls Softball for the 2025 Season. Building off of the success of the Girls at Bat program in current years, we are excited to be offering all girls Softball teams at the 11U & 13U age groups.


Our 9U Girls at Bat is run in partnership with The Toronto Blue Jays and The Jays Care Foundation. It is a fun and inviting introduction to the fundamentals of Softball. Players learn skills thru fun, interactive group activities, scrimmages and will have the opportunity for game play this summer. When registration numbers and coaching volunteers permit individual teams will formed. Girls born 2016 & 2017 are available for registration.


Our 11U (2014 & 2015) and 13U (2012 & 2013) teams will play in their respective HRM leagues in 2025. Fundamentals, team skills and sportsmanship will be the driving force behind our Program.


As we build, we are still looking for Coaches, Managers and any other volunteers. Please reach out if you are interested.


Any questions can be sent to


Or Register today at